Own a
Bang Bang Muay Thai is a women-founded, women-driven and women-focused business. Our vision is to make our unique high intensity Muay Thai and fitness classes the absolute highlight of each and every one of our member’s day.

What makes Bang Bang (BB) different is that push, that drive, that ‘you’re a powerhouse and you know it’ thrill. Our sessions aren’t a walk on the treadmill or a haphazard crunch, they are sweat-inducing, Muay Thai-based, energetic sessions that are design by and built for women. There’s no better feeling than beating your personal best, surrounded by a community of fierce women and a sweaty ‘you nailed it’ high five.
Our classes are high-energy and jam-packed with teammates who push you to achieve your best, alongside knowledgeable and passionate coaches who love what they do. We’re a women-built, women-focused and women-driven gym, and that’s exactly what makes us epic.
But enough of what makes us special. What about you? We’ve been working with women for over 14 years and know just how many of you are seeking the opportunity and safe environment to uplift your mind, body and soul. We love training with amazing women, like you, who have an electric spark, and ignite when you’re in your element.
If you’re looking to be a part of something bigger that’s oh-so rewarding, and want to do it with a supportive community around you – we’ve got you!

Meet the

Maddy’s expertise in fitness and business operations is both extensive and international. She has trained with renowned Muay Thai coaches across Thailand, the United States, and Australia, honing her skills to an elite level. As a Master Personal Trainer with a Diploma of Business, and a mentor in Fitness Certification, Maddy combines her practical fitness knowledge with strong business acumen. Her approach is both tried and tested, significantly contributing to BB’s dynamic wellbeing offerings for the community.
Throughout her career, Maddy has led thousands of group training sessions, impacting the lives of tens of thousands of women. Her unparalleled passion and extensive experience have not only made her a sought-after fitness leader but also a prominent figure in women’s fitness, inspiring and empowering a generation of women to achieve their fitness goals. Her dedication to fostering a supportive and empowering fitness environment has cultivated a strong and vibrant community at BB. Maddy’s influence extends beyond training, as she continuously explores innovative ways to enhance the fitness journey for every member, making a lasting impact on their overall wellness.
Scott’s dynamic leadership and expertise in business, fitness, and nutrition are at the heart of Bang Bang’s success. A graduate of Southern Cross University, Scott holds a Master of Business Law, complemented by a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration. His commitment to excellence doesn’t stop there; he’s also a certified Master Personal Trainer (AusActive), and a Nationally Recognised Nutritionist (NCA). His unique blend of skills has not only fortified the brand’s foundation but also ensured that every aspect of the business is approached with a meticulous and informed strategy, setting a new standard in the fitness industry.
Recognised as the Aus Active 2021 Club Manager of the Year, Scott has a proven track record in boosting business operations, strategy, marketing, and franchising. His comprehensive approach to fitness and wellness have been instrumental in shaping BB into the brand our members know and love. Scott also regularly competes in Jiu Jitsu and has a love for martial arts.

If you’re looking to be a part of something bigger that’s oh-so rewarding, and want to do it with a supportive community around you – we’ve got you!
No matter what business experience you have, we will be here to ensure your BB academy thrives.
You’ve discovered the Franchisee opportunity with BB and have taken a leap of faith to enquire.LEARN MORE
You have a no-obligation phone call with our BB Franchise Manager to answer any questions you might have, provide further information on the process and allow us to get to know you a little better!SUBMIT APPLICATION
You then receive and sign the BB Non-Disclosure Agreement and the BB Franchisee Application Form.CHAT WITH OUR FOUNDING DIRECTORS
Once your application has been processed, our Franchise Manager will organise a call out with BB Founding Directors so they can meet you and go over some figures.APPROVAL 🥊
Congratulations! Your application has gone through evaluation and has been approved!DEPOSIT & DOCUMENTATION
The first official course of action is putting down a deposit to secure the franchise opportunity and commence site research. BB HQ will share all franchise documentation including operation manuals, finance/bill examples, and more.SUBMIT APPLICATION
You will commence the BB Management Process, Cert 3 in Group Fitness and 12-week BB coaching course with non-other than Maddy Williams.ACQUIRE INVENTORY
You will then pay any outstanding amount on the franchisee fee and start ordering gym equipment, BB stock, and promotional materials.LOCKDOWN LOCATION
Once the location is secured, you will commence the Location Growth Plan and the Development Application (DA). You will then complete some market research to understand competitors to inform membership deals and prices.RENOVATE 🛠️
You will then start renovating and revamping the space of your new gym. This will include fitting out the location with BB brand signage, lights, etc. to bring our vibe and vision.LAUNCH PREP
We will start collating information about yourself as a new Franchisee Owner and location to ramp up excitement over socials. Our designer will start developing collateral for the launch day.OPERATIONALISE
We will then set you up with your own email and enable access to our extensive management systems, social collateral and growth plans created to help your business succeed. At this point, you will finalize insurance, internet, power, first aid, etc for the location.HIRE COACHES
With support and approval from BB HQ, you will scout, hire and train BB coaches for your academy.LAUNCH 🚀
It’s game day! BB HQ will launch your new location via socials to generate hype for the open day where prospective clients can come and check out the space.ONGOING SUPPORT & MENTORSHIP
Following the launch, BB HQ will still be with you every step of the way throughout your journey to support, mentor and help you grow your business!We've got you

Getting Franchise Fit
To get you ‘fighting fit’ for your franchise, BB provides guidance and support across multiple aspects of business growth and development. Maddy and Scott have invested significantly back into the BB franchise model. They have personally owned multiple successful sites in a variety of areas. It’s clear they know the business back-to-front and believe BB is the gold standard within the industry.
BB business guidance and support includes the following:
- Marketing (Promotions, Socials, EDM)
- Documentation & Collateral (Marketing, Flyers, Gift Boxes)
- Management Training
- Fitness Certificate Qualification Mentorship (Certificate III & IV in Fitness)
- Mind Body Enterprise Resource Planning/Customer Relationship Management System Support
- Business Start Up Support
- Accounting Support
- Site Selection Support
- Council Application Support
- Academy Floor Plan & Set Up Support
- Online Management Manuals
- Franchise & Operation Manuals
- Leadership Manuals
- Online Franchise Support Group
- Website and SEO Set Up
- Graphic Design Access
… and let’s not forget, 12 Weeks Royalty Free at the start.
… and the above is just the tip of the iceberg!
We also have a robust BB Training Curriculum to ensure you’re confident and knowledgeable when it comes to Muay Thai and fitness training. No fitness qualifications? No problem, we can help with this too.
Muay Thai flourishes in Thailand and we have organised several exciting trips to Phuket for our members to train with Masters and to experience the thrills of Muay Thai in the ring. Let’s not forget that BB offers the opportunity for fabulous international travel and experiences as well.
If you are thinking it’s time to see just how green the grass is on the other side, send us an email, shoot off that DM or, if you’re an existing member, grab your coach for a chin wag – we’re here to help.

Multiple Income Streams
Aside from the income earned from memberships and personal training, sales from our BB-branded training gear make-up a considerable portion of overall franchise revenue.
We’ve witnessed a boost to the purchasing of fresh gear off the back of new member sign-ups – Muay Thai is no walk in the park after all! – and watched as existing members get excited about new products and fresh designs. The BB Store is a multifaceted aspect of our franchises, creating revenue for owners and supporting members by ensuring they’re properly kitted out for their fitness journey. Plus, who doesn’t love the extra bit of motivation new training gear provides?

Backed by Data
Visiting any gym will show you that women love the opportunity to take part in group exercise classes – after all they provide guidance, motivation and a snappy time frame – all big-time value adds for women on the go!
This isn’t just anecdotal. According to data from Roy Morgan’s Single Source survey (August 2019), 76 per cent of the 1.75 million Australians who spend money on exercise classes are women. When you compare this statistic with the annual revenue from Australian women-focused exercise classes, $153.9 million, even with the impacts of COVID-19, it’s a burgeoning industry. Following the pandemic, the industry is already rebounding, and we can see positive growth signals for long-term growth (IBISWorld, 2022).
Dr Kathryn Mills, physiotherapist and lecturer at Macquarie University's Department of Health Professions, explains that although women and men participate in physical activity at comparable rates, in her clinical experience women are more likely to participate in forms of physical activity "where there is a social aspect", although this does not mean their workouts are less effective.
That ‘social aspect’? That’s something we’ve got in spades! Ask anyone who’s trained with us at BB.
We’ve seen in real-time how BB facilitates social relationships both on and off the gym floor and it’s something we actively encourage, promote and heck – would fight to protect.
Join us as we help women to realise their own strengths, skills and tenacity as the fitness space is revolutionised from dark, masculine environments, to a community of strong and empowered women.


It’s no secret our training style is a plateau breaker but what you mightn’t know is that our ability to push boundaries goes beyond cross jabs. Our franchises offer an opportunity to be a part of something bigger, badder and BB-er.
But don’t take it from us, here’s what some of our existing franchise owners have to say:

Dani Callaby
What made you choose a BB franchise?
The culture and vibe of BB is what hooked me in. Maddy and Scott have created an environment for any woman to be able to comfortably come in and give it a go with no judgement, lots of laughs and encouragement which hooked me straight away. Then on top of that, being able to learn to kick ass in style was the most empowering feeling l have ever had. That's why I wanted to be a part of this business and have women feel what I felt when l walked in and started my journey.
How would you describe the BB community?
It is like a family where everyone works damn hard, supports and encourages each other, have plenty of laughs, there is no egos and we all want to just keep learning and growing together no matter what level you are at.
How has a BB franchise enhanced your own training?
The skills l have learnt through being with BB is like no other and just makes me hungry for more everyday! My own fitness level, physique, balance, flexibility and strength have improved leaps and bounds and it doesn't even feel like work when you wake up so pumped to get to the academy to smash it out in coaching and training!
How has becoming a BB franchise owner changed your life?
My life has changed in such a positive way mentally, physically and having a work life balance that you could only dream of. Being able to be a part of other women’s journeys and seeing them grow and become stronger versions of themselves let alone having a lot of women that have had domestic violence trauma and stepping into our academy and seeing them free themselves of all those fears, insecurities and been able to gain the confidence makes my day everyday! What more could you ask for! My own confidence and been pushed out of my comfort zones has helped me gain strength l never knew I had.
What does an average day at BB look like for you?
Start at 4 am (the best time of the day), coach the morning classes, clean the gym once they have finished ready for the next morning class, catch up on some admin before the next one starts, coach the later morning class and then clean it ready for the evening classes. In this next block of time I answer messages, emails and return phone calls missed, continue with the admin which means following up on trials and members, creating content for Instagram and then back to coach the evening classes then clean, set up for the next day and GOOD NIGHT.
How has BB HQ supported you in your franchise journey?
They have always been there to answer and guide me on any questions or situations that l am not sure about, brainstorm ideas together and check in to make sure l am ok especially being a regional academy where they cannot just pop in easily. I have never felt alone and they work so hard in the marketing side of things and gathering more leads for us to work on which in return helps build the business. I could not have asked for a better supportive network. Maddy and Scott are so humble and such beautiful souls yet professional at the same time, nothing is too much for them and the BB way of working is a direct reflection of who they are.

Wendy Lim-Portela
What made you choose a BB franchise?
I was already immersed in the BB Universe starting as a Member back in 2015, promoted to Ambassador, then Coach, then Academy Manager. The next step up in my BB Career was obvious, exciting and scary: opening a new BB Academy, a franchise !
How would you describe the BB community?
The bestest I have ever experienced. I could compare it to childhood friendships. We go through the thick and thin together and always encourage each other. I see so many friendships created on a daily basis. They start as accountability buddies, then go for a juice or coffee after class, and then hang out together outside of the gym and social events. I Love it.
How has a BB franchise enhanced your own training?
I have always loved training at BB, but now being the face of a franchise I wanted to be able to share everything I knew and loved about Muay Thai. I became more curious about technique and did more and more research, watched countless videos in my own time to be able to share my passion with relatable real life / fights situation.
How has becoming a BB franchise owner changed your life?
It feels amazing to be able to say « this is my gym » when I look back at where I started when I arrived in Australia 10 years ago, working casually in cafes and restaurants.
I am able to share my passion and it really doesn’t feel like a job! I have always worked hard and been very dedicated so I can power through hard days and stressful situations and then be grateful for the other days where I can spend time with my not-so-little 20 months old. I cannot believe we have built this amazing community and I am so grateful that I am not stuck in an office on a daily basis (it’s not my personality – I need movement and people).
What does an average day at BB look like for you?
Wake up when everyone sleeps, put on my Coaching Hat (and outfit) start our members day with a biiig smile, banging tunes and killer Muay Thai moves at the academy. And feel awesome.
I email, call, text with our members, future members during the day, do some social media content (loving the tools available to us to create some cool images and videos).
This can be done from home or a café, anywhere really.
Spend some time at home, do some 1:1 with clients and get to training when I am not taking the classes. I love participating in our classes and being coached by our team. They are amazing!
How has BB HQ supported you in your franchise journey?
I wouldn’t have taken the step to open the Franchise without BB HQ support.
They saw something in me and started to hint me a long time ago when I thought it was ridiculous. « Me? A business owner? You are kidding. »
Well, look where I am today!
HQ helped me start a business I wasn’t able to start on my own financially, and also mentally. BB has pushed me physically in training since 2015 and helped me grow into a business owner too.
I am so grateful. They helped me pick a location, set up everything with the right people (bank, real estate, lawyers, suppliers) and always support me when I need help with situations I have never dealt with. Like a pandemic.
Now let’s see where the wind brings me. I would love to keep on expanding the BB empire and share the BB love!

Why should I choose BB?
It’s no secret that our training style is a plateau breaker but what you mightn’t know is that our ability to push boundaries goes beyond cross jabs. Our franchises offer an opportunity to be a part of something bigger, badder and BB-er.
We have invested considerably into business operations, systems and processes to offer maximum success and situate ourselves as a stand-out brand with a strong reputation in the boutique female-focused market. We have a proven track record of success and over 20-years’ combined experience in the fitness industry.
Our bottom line? We’re unique, empowering and participate in a field ripe with opportunity — what’s not to love?
I don’t have fitness qualifications. Can I still become a franchisee?
Absolutely! We’ll help to organise an education provider and act as mentors to ensure you’re set up for success and achieve your fitness qualifications with minimum fuss.
That’s just the start though. The real training will be provided to you in our in-house franchisee mentorship program. We will help you to transform into a knowledgeable and confident coach and train you in our key service deliverables — Muay Thai kickboxing in a class environment, boxing skills in a class environment, advanced group training techniques, training the female body and advanced customer service strategies.
Reaching for and achieving new goals is part of what makes franchise ownership so rewarding. And becoming a coach and engaging with your clientele? This is all part of the unique package that is BB.
What does an average day as a franchisee look like?
Your day is never humdrum as a franchise owner! You’ll generate leads for your academy, engage and build relationships with your members, work on rosters, stock management, lead your team of coaches and members and so much more.
Of course, you’ll also be the leader and head coach on your academy floor. You’ll get the thrill and satisfaction of coaching your members and watching them develop their Muay Thai technique, grow their confidence, and hit their fitness goals.
There’s never a dull moment and always a skill to flex or opportunity to seize and the best thing? You run your business on your terms.
How do I make an income?
Aside from the main income earned from our weekly memberships and training programs, you’ll also be able to add impressive extra revenue to your business with sales of our BB-branded training gear, personal training services, corporate training classes, kids’ classes, mums and bubs and private classes.
We continually work with you on the best strategies to maximise revenue that are tailored to your local area demographics. Additionally, we are always developing and releasing new and exciting BB-branded products for our network to on-sell. At BB, your clients actually NEED the gear we provide — so it's a win-win for everyone.
I’m located in the USA. Are you planning to franchise here?
Yes! We have done extensive market testing in the US and have received overwhelming positive interest by customers and potential franchisees alike. The business is franchise ready for immediate expansion into the lucrative female health and fitness market in the US. We are excited to officially launch our first academies in the US in 2023.
We are currently offering attractive ground-floor opportunities for the initial launch across all US states.
Can I open as a partnership?
Absolutely! If you and your partner, investor or colleague would like to explore opening a franchise, please reach out.